Jen's Artistic Designs

Jen's Designs My Personal Paintings poetry in motion

Current site of Jens Art & Poetry

February 9, 2011

 Welcome to my site

          Hello, my name is Jennifer M. Burlock and this is my site-Jen's Designs. I have been a full time mother, yet I am also an artist, poet and hopefully a writer. I will post a few poems on my site along with having a page of my paintings i have done. I am no Picasso, nor Leonardo de Vinci, but I have been told I am good. It's up to you who view my site to decide if you like what I have done. I mostly do my art for friends, family and of course my boyfriend, I will make just about anything that catches my eye. If you like what you see feel free to contact me and for a small fee you may purchase them. As I am still working out a reasonable fee for my art, but I will not take anything under $50.00- most of what I will earn will go into buying more art supplies.

     The photo you see is a recent shot of me, and this is the woman behind this site. When I get a newer shot I will post that one for any who care to see what I look like. If you like any of the paintings you can email me at the following email address :  or I am also found  on,, Facebook too. I also have a Paypal account for those who wish to pay for any painting that way. Most paintings are 8 x10, and I will be adding some new ones soon. Feel free to contact me at either email address, and I will contact you back!

 In my site

List of items

  • page 1: Picture and brief discription of who I am!
  • page 2: Paintings, drawings, and other art work.
  • page 3: This page is where I will post various poems, and from time to time new ones. I will possibly have a book I am working on with a compliation of my many poems I have written

 Since I am still working on this site, hopefully I can make it more my own. I look forward to the response I recieve from those who view my site. Enjoy the various poems and paintings I have chosen to post. I also may add more pages as time goes on. At this time I don't have a counter but I may add one eventually.Smile